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Search Engine Marketing

Google Adwords and Bing Ads offer many features that can get overwhelming. Branded search, non-branded search, retargeting, audiences, display/search networks, bid adjustments, YouTube and more, all need to be analyzed on an individual campaign basis.

Email Marketing

Typically one of your strongest digital channels depending on your industry, MailChimp and Silverpop are popular platforms.  Being able to report and benchmark the most important KPIs related to this channel is imperative in order to identify growth.

Affiliate Marketing


Attracting new customers helps long term stability for any organization.  Affiliate marketing can achieve this with a strong publisher network built on relationships that last.  Some strong affiliate platforms that have been successful are Linkshare and Pepperjam.

Paid Social

Great for upper funnel activity and getting your story heard.  However, some controversy over direct revenue attribution which can cause digital marketers frustration.  Must be creative on these platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more.

Non Paid Channels

Where you allocate your marketing dollars can have a major influence on your non paid channels such as Direct, Referrals, Organic and Social.  Understanding how these channels are impacted by your paid efforts will help you understand your customers journey.

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