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KEY Digital Marketing Consulting is all about solving digital marketing problems for small to medium size businesses.  There are many organizations that do not feel confident about their digital marketing strategy and who are unsure about what is working and what is a waste of ad spend.  Today, companies need to fully understand the multi-channel approach and how it represents their customers journey.  Being able to determine where more advertising dollars should be spent based off the right attribution model will lead you to success in the digital marketing world.

William Altherr
CEO and Founder

Digital marketing has been a passion of mine as well as solving problems for businesses over the last ten years.  I have worked on the agency side and in-house for service related companies and e-commerce companies across multiple industries.  Providing companies in need with solutions to their digital marketing strategy makes me love coming into work on Mondays.  Helping businesses identify benchmarks, what's working and what's not as well as establishing a business relation that benefits both parties is the best part about Digital Marketing Consultancy.​

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